How to Spot a Shitty Friend, and When to Know to Let Go and Why It’s Okay to Let Go of Them

I have had a fair share of shitty friends throughout my life. I’m gonna basically give a synopsis of all that. The first one was someone I was friends with in high school, let’s call her “Bonnie”. Bonnie was basically emotionally abusing me and I didn’t even realize it. She would always tell me my clothes clashed, my hair was a mess, that my skin was gross, and that basically my makeup never looked good. She also never stood up for me when other groups of people would try to bully me; she would join in. She always said it was a joke, but I knew what she was doing was not okay. One day, she decided to throw a party behind me and my friends’ backs, which sent me (and a couple of other people), over the edge. I finally let go of her wnd realized it was the best thing I had done in a while. She was apparently devastated that I broke off the friendship with her, but I only knew that was because she was caught. Then there was “David”, another friend of mine. Well, I thought he was a friend. He basically let others rule him, and had to put to the blame on everyone else but himself. Oh well, he was basically as smart as a horse on acid. Then there was “Andrew”. I met Andrew in college, and needless to say, I have never met someone so idiotic in my life. Andrew had this girlfriend that he was on and off with for four years, even though he claimed I was his world. Andrew and I decided to give things a try now that he was single, but that instantly took a turn for the worst. He would always yell at me if I was busy, would always curse at me if I was occupied with something else. I dumped him and ended everything. A couple of weeks later, I found out he was back with his ex. Almost a year passes by, and I received a text from him saying he was sorry and that he made a huge mistake and that his girlfriend (or whatever the hell she even is at this pont) stressed him out over the summer; he was planning to break up with her over the weekend. However, when he texted me his apology, he was still in a relationship with her, which hung up an immediate red flag. However, I decided to give him one more chance (Spoiler: He blew it. Again). Andrew became possessive for the next two weeks, cursing and yelling at me for not being able to see him because of school. Um, hello, I was at school for a reason. I dumped him for the last time and ended things for good; not to my suprise, he was back with his ex a week later, and I had suspected he was speaking to her while he was with me. Then, there were these two girls I’ll call “Double Trouble”. Double Trouble and I were friends for 3 years, since the beginning of college. The both of them decided to randomly start avoiding me, which was strange. I didn’t know what I had done wrong, and I was trying to get to the bottom of it to figure it out. Anyway, after 3 months of wasting my damn time and wasting my energy on two ignorant bitches, I had found out they were mad because I didn’t stay in with them on halloween and decided to go out. LIKE HELLO, ITS HALLOWEEN. I DO NOT WANT TO SPEND MY HALLOWEEN BY DISCUSSING YUGIOH AND PLAYING SCRABBLE. It really grinds my gears every time I think about it. Then one of them told me I set off her disorder and now make her throw up, so my friendship was deemed unhealthy. Okay, well, I have the same disorder, but anxiety isn’t caused by other people. Of course there are triggers, but anxiety isn’t necessarily caused by someone else. I then decided that friends are not here to hurt you, they are here to help you grow and be strong and support and encourage you. Friends do not hurt you, ignore you, or abandon you. If you feel that way, it is okay to let go. Just because you feel lonely doesn’t mean you have to be. You have people out there that love and support you no matter what, and those people are family. A friend comes and goes. If they’re meant to be in your life, trust me, they will stay.