You’re Entitled to Feel Like Royalty

These past few months have been insane.  I am currently planning out my graduation, studying my butt off until graduation, and trying to plan my future on top of that.  However, planning ahead got me thinking: there are so many negative things people have told me regarding my future.  Since I was 8, I had always dreamed of being an actress, but never had to confidence to pursue that until I was 15.  When you are called the ugly duckling and pizza face, you do not really have the confidence to stand on a stage and pretend to act like someone you’re not.  However, I knew I loved the feeling of being in the theatre, and I love acting.  When I decided to pursue my studies in theatre, people told me I will just end up being a waitress, homeless, no job, no money, nothing.  It crushed me to hear that.  Not only did strangers tell me that, but my ex-boyfriend even said that.  Someone who had claimed to love me so much said to me my major was stupid.  Well, there’s a reason he’s my ex.  Anyway, I decided that I would rather pursue something I love than pursue something just for the money and wealth.  I would rather love what I do and get paid an average amount than hate what I do and get paid millions.  Another thing that drove me to write this was my weight.  Yes, I know some people do not see a difference in my body.  But guess what? I do not care.  I see a difference, and I am glad I see a difference.  I do not have to worry about looking like a skeleton every time I walk out of the door.  I am now a healthy 115 lbs (I thought I was 120 but that scale was off).  I see differences in my face and everywhere in my body and I am happy with it.  Just because I now have cellulite does not change who I am.  I’m still the same person, but instead of being upset every day for people asking me if I was anorexic, I made a change.  I am not saying someone has to change themselves in order to feel good, but weigh your options.  There are so many things to live for in life, and loving yourself is the first step to truly appreciating what those things are.  Happiness always comes from within, and my favorite quote is: “Pick your head up princess. Your tiara is falling”.  Don’t let ANYONE knock your tiara off your head, because each and every day, you deserve to feel like a queen, a king, whatever you want.  Know who you are, and the rest will follow.  You are inspiring someone, whether you know it or not.